The Open University of Sri Lanka has eight regional centers, and one of those is the Batticaloa Regional Centre Library. It is positioned in No. 23 New Road Batticaloa.
Batticaloa Regional Centre Library began as a reference library in 2007, and by the end of the year, it had developed a new distinct room with reading capacity. The borrowing capability for students and staff was launched in 2011 as part of BRC library’s gradual development of its library resources. The employees and students can currently take advantage of a wide range of library resources and facilities at BRC.
Services Provided by Library
Service of Lending
Students from level 3 and higher who do not have a membership at the main library Nawala or any other regional centre library can apply for membership at Batticaloa Regional library.
Reference Service
Inquiry Service
Literature Assistance Service
Service for Current Awareness
Library Collections
- Textbooks
- Past Question Papers (PQP)
- Audio/Videos,
- Course Materials
- Journals
- Periodicals
- Law Reports
Our Staff