- After neoliberalism Flores-Macias, Gustavo
- Can economic growth be sustained? Ruttan, Vernon W
- Development economics Hayami, Yūjirō
- Emerging markets and financial globalization Mauro, Paolo
- Essays in nonlinear time series econometrics
- Financial and macroeconomic connectedness : Diebold, Francis X
- Income distribution Campano, Fred
- Inequality and instability Galbraith, James K
- The challenges of privatization Bortolotti, Bernardo
- The economy of the word : Tribe, Keith
- The new public finance
- The political economy of poverty, equity, and growth Lal, Deepak
- The role of government in East Asian economic development
- Volatility and time series econometrics
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Transformational Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Marketing: Principles and Practice of SME Marketing
- International Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Analysis
- 6 Building Blocks for Successful Innovation: How Entrepreneurial Leaders Design Innovative Futures
- Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship: The Only Way to Renew Your Organization
- Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development: A Comparative Perspective on Entrepreneurs, Universities and Governments
- A History of English: From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic
- Auxiliary verb constructions / Gregory D.S. Anderson.
- Borrowed words: a History of loanwords in English
- Contact linguistics: bilingual encounters and grammatical outcomes
- Dickens and mass culture
- Digital discourse:language in the new media
- Discourses of war and peace
- Do you make these mistakes in English?
- External influences on English
- How plays work: reading and performance
- “I’m Sorry for What I’ve Done”: The Language of Courtroom Apologies
- John Keats and the culture of dissent
- Language myths and the history of English
- Modals and conditionals: new and revised perspectives
- Modern English war poetry
- Murder most foul: hamlet through the ages
- Nobody’s story: the vanishing acts of women writers
- Serious poetry: form and authority from yeats to hill
- T.S. eliot and early modern literature
- Talk that counts: age, gender, and social class differences in discourse
- The language of law school: learning to “think like a lawyer”
- The language of murder cases: intentionality, predisposition, and voluntariness
- The language of perjury cases
- The language of sexual misconduct cases
- The poetry of translation: from chaucer & petrarch to homer & logue
- Why does tragedy give pleasure?
- Words and stones: the politics of language and identity in israel
- Conversations with Families of Children with Disabilities: Insights for Teacher Understanding
- Establishing Pathways to Inclusion: Investigating the Experiences and Outcomes for Students with Special Educational Needs
- Working with Voice Disorders: Theory and Practice
- Hands on Dyspraxia: Developmental Coordination Disorder: Supporting Young People with Motor and Sensory Challenges
- DLD and Me: Supporting Children and Young People with Developmental Language Disorder
- Inclusive Education for the 21st Century: Theory, Policy and Practice
- Developing Creativity and Curiosity Outdoors: How to Extend Creative Learning in the Early Years
- Special Education Leadership: Building Effective Programming in Schools
- Addressing Special Educational Needs and Disability in the Curriculum: Design and Technology
- Motivating Children with Specific Learning Difficulties: A Teacher’s Practical Guide
- A Curriculum Guide for Middle Leaders: Intent, Implementation and Impact in Practice
- An Introduction to Distance Education: Understanding Teaching and Learning in a New Era
- Becoming Somebody in Teacher Education: Person, Profession and Organization in a Global Southern Context
- Being Well in Academia: Ways to Feel Stronger, Safer and More Connected
- Design Research in Education: A Practical Guide for Early Career Researchers
- Biotechnological Approaches in Food Adulterants
- Drying in the Dairy Industry: From Established Technologies to Advanced Innovations
- Food Packaging: Advanced Materials, Technologies, and Innovations
- Food Product Optimization for Quality and Safety Control: Process, Monitoring, and Standards
- Handbook of Dairy Foods Analysis
- Autoethnographies in ELT: Transnational Identities, Pedagogies, and Practices
- Autonomy in Language Education: Theory, Research and Practice
- Community, Solidarity and Multilingualism in a Transnational Social Movement: A Critical Sociolinguistic Ethnography of Emmaus
- Conversation Analysis and Second Language Pedagogy: A Guide for ESL/EFL Teachers
- Demystifying Academic Writing: Genres, Moves, Skills, and Strategies
- Exploring Language Assessment and Testing: Language in Action
- Vocabulary and the Four Skills: Pedagogy, Practice, and Implications for Teaching Vocabulary
- A new handbook of political science
- Anxieties of democracy
- Back to basics
- Coalition politics and democratic consolidation in Asia
- Defending politics Flinders, Matthew V
- Do-it-yourself democracy : Lee, Caroline W
- Does the elephant dance? Malone, David
- Hindu nationalism and the evolution of contemporary Indian security : Ogden, Chris
- How women represent women Osborn, Tracy L
- Human rights as practice : Mangubhai, Jayshree P
- International relations theory and South Asia
- International relations theory and South Asia
- Nations, states, and violence Laitin, David D
- Political Science: Volume 3: Indian Political Thought
- Political Science: Volume 1: The Indian State
- Political Science: Volume 2: Indian Democracy
- Political Science: Volume 4: India Engages the World
- Sex, politics, and Putin : Sperling, Valerie
- The political theory of political thinking : Freeden, Michael
- The social evolution of international politics / Tang, Shiping
- AIDS and the ecology of poverty Stillwaggon, Eileen
- Children of the prison boom : Wakefield, Sara
- Diets, malnutrition, and disease
- Some men : Messner, Michael A
- The social order of the underworld : Skarbek, David
- Unwanted : Bucerius, Sandra M
- Being Muslim in South Asia
- Café culture in Pune : Robinson, Teresa Platz
- Caring for our own : Levitsky, Sandra R
- Channeling cultures
- Crisis cities : Gotham, Kevin Fox
- Encounter on the Great Plains : Hansen, Karen V
- Entangled urbanism : Srivastava, Sanjay
- Hidden in plain sight : Zerubavel, Eviatar
- Interrogating India’s modernity
- Learning in the global era
- National colors : Loveman, Mara
- Politics of inclusion Hasan, Zoya
- Population and reproductive health in India : Jejeebhoy, Shireen J
- Private property and public power : Becher, Deborah Lynn
- Shanghai future : Greenspan, Anna
- Sociology of health and medicine : Sujatha, V
- Solidarity, justice, and incorporation
- The dynamics of radicalization : Alimi, Eitan Y
- The power of the past : Streib, Jessi
- The theory of political culture / Welch, Stephen
- ජීවිත කවිය: ගලගෙදරගේ,එම්
- අන්තර්ජාලය හා සංවර්ධනය / මධුභාෂිණි, ජී.ටී
- Violence at the urban margins
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