10253050100 entries per pageSearch: Oxford Academic e-database No.Journal TitlesAccessible period 1Twentieth Century British History2014-2021,2024 2Trusts & Trustees2014-2021,2023 3Tree Physiology1996 - 2023 4Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene2014-2021,2023 5Toxicological Sciences1996 - 2023 6The Year's Work in English Studies2014-2021,2023 7The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory2014-2021,2023 8The World Bank Research Observer2014-2021,2023 9The World Bank Economic Review2014-2021,2023 10The Review of Financial Studies2014-2021,2023 11The Review of English Studies2014-2021,2023 12The Review of Economic Studies2014-2021,2023 13The Review of Corporate Finance Studies2014-2021,2023 14The Review of Asset Pricing Studies2014-2021,2023 15The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics1996-2021,2023 16The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics2014-2021,2023 17The Quarterly Journal of Economics2014-2021,2023 18The Philosophical Quarterly2014-2021,2023 19The Opera Quarterly2014-2021 20The Musical Quarterly2014-2021,2023 21The Library2014-2021,2023 22The Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook2014-2021,2023 23The Journals of Gerontology1996-2023 24The Journals of Gerontology1996-2023 25The Journal of World Energy Law & Business2014-2021,2023 26The Journal of Theological Studies2014-2021,2023 27The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine2014-2021,2023 28The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization2014-2021,2023 29The Journal of Infectious Diseases1996-2023 Showing 1 to 30 of 272 entriesโน12345โฆ10โบ