All university subscribed e-resources (e-databases, e-books, e-journals) are accessible remotely
by the Open University students, and staff.
There are 02 methods to access e-resources from your own computers.
1. Using Shibboleth Access facility (available for all Open University staff and students)
2. via Virtual Private Network (VPN) This facility is available only for academic staff,
administrative staff, and Postgraduate students who have obtained the library membership
Methord 01- Via Shibboleth facility
Methord 02 - via Virtual Private Network
All Open University staff and students
1. Use your OUSL domain account username and password (username and password
provided by the University IT division for OUSL internet facility) for the Shibboleth
2. Select the webpage (E-databases, E-books, E-journals) in which your required material is
(E.g.: Select E-journals , if you are looking for an article published in a university
subscribed e-journal)
3. Click on the relevant e- database to find the required e-material.
(E.g.: Select Springer database, if you are looking for an article published in
“International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy”)
4. A login page will be popped up. If not, Search the Institution “Open University of Sri
5. Enter the username and password of your OUSL domain account
Academic staff and Administrative staff of the OUSL
Postgraduate students who have obtained the library membership
1. Send an email to the library ( requesting VPN username and
2. Once the library provides you with the VPN username and password, you have to set up
an internet browser following the instructions given in the below presentation.